Our story
Stand4Hussain’s main purpose is to spread the story of the battle of Karbala. We are based in Oslo, Norway.
We started Stand4Hussain in 2011 as a small group with few volunteers. The very first event organized by Stand4Hussain was on the eve of Arba’een in January 2012. With the help of a few organizers and a handful of volunteers, we handed out more than a thousand cups of hot chocolate to ordinary people in different locations in Oslo. All this was in the name of Imam Hussain (as).
It was just a nice feeling to be able to hand out hot chocolate to the people on a freezing cold day in Oslo. In addition to that we also handed out flyers with basic information about the tragedy of Karbala and Imam Hussain. Through interacting with the ordinary people this way, we could answer many questions regarding Islam and tell those who had never heard about Imam Hussain, his story and who he is.
We filmed the event and shared our success story in the form of a video on the social media. Within the subsequent few days, the message reached virtually all places around the globe inspiring many to start similar organizations or events, for example in Canada, England, and New Zealand.
Our work does not stop here
We aim to introduce it as a tradition. We believe that it should be just as natural to be out there holding a stand on the the 40th day (Al-arbaeen, الأربعين) as going to a mosque to commemorate Ashura on the the tenth of Muharram. (يوم عاشوراء المحرم)
The only thing that binds the committee members of Stand4Hussain together, is the love for the holy Prophet Muhammad and his family (Peace be upon them all) and the aim to tell the world about the great sacrifice of Imam Hussain (pbuh).
We are not dependent or associated with any religious group or a particular mosque. We work independently regardless of different ethnicities, cultural backgrounds and political inclinations of our committee members and volunteers with the sole aim to spread the message of Imam Hussain (pbuh) – message to stand up against tyranny and injustice and introducing the true image of Islam to the non-Muslims.
If you want to help in any way, or just have something on your heart to say, so do not hesitate to contact us at contact[at]stand4hussain[dot]org